1. To respond to the request from Palestinian peace activists to help increase the international visibility of the Palestinian non-violent resistance movement, particularly in the U.S., and support the efforts of Palestinians and their Israeli allies to ensure human rights, justice and democracy for all

  2. To increase visibility of efforts to bring justice, security and human rights to all people in the region

  3. To learn more about the practice of nonviolent direct action and explore effective ways to build solidarity and social transformation in both the Palestinian/Israeli and US contexts

  4. To explore ways to support efforts to ensure human rights, justice and security for all.

  5. To develop ongoing relationships between Civil Rights leaders, human rights leaders, activists and educators, and leaders of the Palestinian non-violent movement and their Israeli allies.

  6. Help to inform people in the US about the Palestinian and Israeli nonviolent movement, with a special focus on the pivotal role that the United States plays in supporting the status quo or fostering change.