Entrepreneurship Leadership and Business Development (eLAB)





is an incubator for micro-businesses (1-2 person operations).

eLAB provides:

Eldred Harris-eLAB


case management support to individuals/entrepreneurs with business ideas, and

consulting support to small (5-10 employees) and mid-sized (25-100 employees)
business to help them develop the business skills to be successful in the local economic


Primary Populations served: Anyone with a good business idea, that can support the local economy with an emphasis on business ownership in economically marginalized communities.


eLAB links directly to the objectives of the “Building Bridges” Initiative by:

  • Incubating small businesses and supporting entrepreneurs

  • Local green investing

  • Food justice (to the degree that the entrepreneurs are proposing businesses in the food system)

  • Building Demand for just and sustainable lifestyle, products and services (to the degree that this is necessary to successful business plans

And indirectly to:

  • Work-Force Development (to the degree that businesses being incubated can provide jobs)


For more information contact:

Eldred Harris (principle) elnino28@gmail.com, or Sarah Reistetter-Akiri (sr85@cornell.edu)